Friday, November 12, 2010

Fog, Hail, Freezing Rain, and Thunderstorms.

Apparently, last night there was a very loud, very close thunder storm.  I did not hear it, did not budge.  So I am not sure if it was truly a very loud thunderstorm.  Or if the thunderstorm here is not as loud and interrupting as ones on the Prairies.  But lots of people here kept telling me that they do not have them very often.  So they were all in awe of the power of the sky.

I kept wowing them with other crazy storms from Saskatchewan.  Like the hail/wind storm in 2006 that tore peoples roofs off.  Or the freezing rain Yorkton just got.  Or the Autumn thunderstorms.  Or the blizzards that seem to bury us in snow.  Or the summer thunder and hailstorms that destroy everything in sight. Or, well you get the picture.  But it is nice to comfort them (rather myself), with the knowledge that we do not have Earthquakes.  Or volcanoes, or Tsunamis, or Typhoons.  Spell correct had to fix Typhoon because I forgot how to spell it in English.  Did you know in the original Japanese there is no 'N' on the end? 

So after I frighten all these poor people from coming out to my end of the world, I get to tell them how pretty everything is after the storm.  That the rainbow that stretches from Horizon to Horizon makes the window shaking thunder worth it.  Or the shiny sparkles of the sun though the leaf-encasing ice is so pretty on a morning you can't get into your car, because it too is encased in ice.  But I can wow them the Aurora Borealis. I sight none of them have seen.  And thanks to my overly-information loving, book buying parents, I can also tell them the abbreviated version of the Inuit legend of the Aruora.  Which makes me feel smart, cultured and special.  Because the British live relatively south and have only seen very faint ones, and the Americans I assume have never seen it, as they all live south.

In other news, last night, I saw my breath! (insert shock and awe)  I am going to attribute it to very high humidty and thus a higher dew point.  But still, I figured breath seeing warranted the use of a scarf, if nothing else but to keep the draft off my neck.  In class the other day, the teacher was giving everyone hand warming pads to use.  You know the kind you rub together and put in your mitts when skiing.  It was awesome being 'I'm Canadian, so I know those, and thanks, but I'm good."  I love Canada for making me immune to the 'cold' Yamaguchi weather.

Ooh! I just got a kettle, which means tons of tea soon! Or coffee.  Caffeine is good, very good.


  1. yay for tea and coffee! is regular black tea as readily available as green? or is there no real tea difference?

  2. Careful of the tea you buy, Japanese people have very strange ideas of what goes into tea. Moto's families secret recipe included nori and something that I would swear was shrimp. He also made tea from wheat. And both were called green tea.

  3. Tea difference yes, what it is I have no idea. I bought the most basic, cheap generic looking set of teabags. Which turned out all right.
