Friday, March 20, 2009


Ever wonder how poets manage to always have weird words? I swear, they sit there with a thesaurus looking for the oddest word they can find; with the most finite denotation and a certain connotation just to get their point across.

Yes, yes, I know. In poetry every single word is important, unlike prose where one can rant on and on to describe something, every word in poetry carries lots and lots of weight blah blah blah. . . but honestly when reading a poem, why should I have to have a dictionary beside me? Sam McGee and The Road Not Taken are two wonderful poems with no evil vocabulary. Why can't all poetry be this way? Unfortunately I can't change the poems, I can however learn more words to facilitate my readings.

effulgent [i-fuhl-juh.nt, i-fool-] (ADJ)
shining forth brilliantly; radiant.
(-ence) (N)
1. a brilliant radiance.

a useful word? I don't know but I think it sounds cool. Although the most amusing word in French is *pouf*, means *poof* in English. I discovered this word whilst on pain killers, really is amusing for some reason . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha oh do I know the horrors of strange words in poetry... your image of a poet sitting with a thesaurus made me laugh out loud :) Ahh poetry... I wish to never have to study you again, but alas I am sure it will come again at some point :P
